Well my Fab-U-lous friends the new year is fast approaching and that being the case we will be starting our NEW YEAR, NEW YOU Weight Loss Challenge very soon. The purpose of this post is simply to update you all on the progress made to date regarding the challenge. The official start date is Monday, January 3, 2011! Can I get a woot woot?!?! I'm so excited!
First and foremost I'm going to ask that we remember not to look at this as a temporary weight loss plan, instead let's view this as a permanent life change; reshaping our lives if you will. During this 90 days we will reshape all aspects of our lives to attain our goals physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually. Based upon this premise of reshaping our lives it would benefit each of us to have a daily itinerary that speaks to each of the aforementioned areas of our lives. Make it fun! It'll keep you motivated. In addition, I strongly suggest that each and every one of you (don't worry, I'm including me, lol) create a vision board! What will your life look like in 2011? You can create a short term and long term vision board if you'd like. The short term vision board could coincide with the NEW YEAR, NEW YOU challenge. Show what your changes in each area of your life will look like after 90 days. The long term board could reflect the changes you're focused on for the entire year. Whichever you decide be sure to do it! We can share them with each other!
Now, many of you have expressed the need for meal plans that will serve as healthy yet tasty options during this period of transition. The following are websites that offer various healthy recipe options: www.mealsmatter.org, www.foodfit.com, and www.foodnetwork.com/healthy-eating/index.html. Enjoy!
Others have requested exercise regimens. For those of you in the New Haven/ Waterbury, CT area there are currently at least 2 certified fitness instructors on board who will offer classes, and trust me, these ladies are walking examples of what many of us are working toward physically! They are Ms. Shawn "GI Jane" Anderson and Ms. Chaila Gilliams who is the owner of Bodyworkers, LLC. Classes will be held at local schools. More information to follow. For those of you who are not in the CT area I'm currently suggesting that you locate an area gym or participate in some form of organized exercise. Zumba classes are being held all over the nation and in many cases may cost as little as $5-$10/ class. If neither of the above listed options will work for you be sure to purchase your preferred workout DVD and get started at home! Invite the family to join you! Billy Blanks' Tae-Bo series is my absolute favorite!
Lastly, many of you have reached out to me regarding nutritional supplements that will expedite the weight loss process, provide relief from various ailments, and support your overall health. I have established several weight loss packages that include reshaping garments and all natural nutritional supplements that may work for you! If you are unable to find a package that works for you just let me know and we can work together to customize your package. :-) To view available packages contact me at RJreshapes@gmail.com. You may also customize your own package by visiting my website at http://www.ardysslife.com/RJreshapes. Be sure to order your supplements, plan your meals, and schedule your workouts BEFORE the start date of the challenge! NO EXCUSES!!!! It's time to Reshape YOUR life with RJ!!!!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact me via email at RJreshapes@gmail.com or via phone 203.441.0495.
Alrighty then, let's get ready to go! Ready! Set! Goooooo!
Fabulous, 40, & Financially Free is the God given mantra for my 40th year of life! I now invite YOU to join me on this journey as I kick down 40's door, run through, and enjoy life! Join me in becoming Fab, 40, & Free! Whether you're 40, 40+, or fast approaching 40 you're welcome to come along as I share this experience and transformation right before your very eyes! ;-)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Ready for a CHALL LONGE!!! Yes, I said CHALL LONGE & I know...it's CHALLENGE! ;-)
Okay, so in all of this new found freedom I've decided it would be absolutely wonderful to lose a few pounds, be a bit healthier, and perhaps wear a 2 piece on vacation! Guess what?!?! I want all of you to join me! So, once again, are you ready for a CHALL LONGE?!?! It's the NEW YEAR, NEW YOU Challenge! Alrighty now! Let's get going!
I propose that we have an initial weigh in and start date. I'm all set to start today! Truthfully, I kind of already have, but no worries, I'm not that far ahead of the game just yet. Some of you may not be prepared to start today, and that's okay, but the absolute latest you should start is January 1, 2011.
We'll have bi-weekly weigh ins, optional nutritional supplement and reshaping packages, options for meal plans, and various work out options. However, feel free to use your own meal plans, workout regimines, etc. I'll update you daily on my progress, and ask that you do the same. We'll do the challenge in 90 day increments. Depending upon individual goals we can begin a new 90 day course upon completion of the initial 90 days. We'll support one another through the process via fb, this site and bi-wkly conference calls to share our successes and tribulations, etc. At the end of our 90 days we will have various celebratory gatherings! Please feel free to invite friends, family, church family etc. to participate in the challenge!
Soooo, if you're ready to take this thing another level let's go!!
At the end of this challenge we'll all be singing one of my favorite songs!
I propose that we have an initial weigh in and start date. I'm all set to start today! Truthfully, I kind of already have, but no worries, I'm not that far ahead of the game just yet. Some of you may not be prepared to start today, and that's okay, but the absolute latest you should start is January 1, 2011.
We'll have bi-weekly weigh ins, optional nutritional supplement and reshaping packages, options for meal plans, and various work out options. However, feel free to use your own meal plans, workout regimines, etc. I'll update you daily on my progress, and ask that you do the same. We'll do the challenge in 90 day increments. Depending upon individual goals we can begin a new 90 day course upon completion of the initial 90 days. We'll support one another through the process via fb, this site and bi-wkly conference calls to share our successes and tribulations, etc. At the end of our 90 days we will have various celebratory gatherings! Please feel free to invite friends, family, church family etc. to participate in the challenge!
Soooo, if you're ready to take this thing another level let's go!!
At the end of this challenge we'll all be singing one of my favorite songs!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Freedom... in every since of the word.
Freedom... such positive implications come with this one simple word. Maturity brings about a renewed sense of freedom. My relationship with God and my experiences thus far have lead me to a place where I'm truly free to be me. How cliche you say? Perhaps so, yet unquestionably true. I'm more than ok with my brown skin, my full lips, full hips, and my naturally kinky curly hair. I am beautiful. I am happy. I am free, free to be the one person that no one else can be... me.
How wonderful it is to to wake up with tussled hair and not care that I am unable able to achieve the salon perfect curls that my hair has grown accustomed to experiencing at the hands of Felisha. Now, don't misunderstand I'm still meticulous about my everyday appearance. I've simply come to the realization that I am equally beautiful with my natural curls. I can simply wash, add conditioner, perhaps a lil mousse or gel for definition, and keep it moving. I need not worry about what the person next to me thinks! You see, I am free, free to be me.
Now you may be asking, "Did it take you 40 years to come to this realization?!?!" My honest response, "No, it just took me 40 years to be comfortable with this realization." It took me this long to be completely comfortable in my own skin. The confidence that I've exhibited throughout my life has not always run as deep as it appeared, but be forewarned it is indeed genuine at this stage in my life!
This freedom that I keep talking about, it's different, it's liberating, exhilarating! I want everyone to experience it. I want you to feel like your opinions matter, like your voice is heard. I want you to truly feel the wind on your face as you walk with your head held high and know that God has gently kissed you yet once again. I want you to hear your theme song playing in your head as you enter a room; all the while knowing I am exactly who I was created to be, there's no one better at this than I, because truth be told, there is ONLY 1 ME! I am a perfect creation in the eyes of God, and who am I to question Him?!?!
I implore you to enjoy your freedom without apologies or excuses. Go on out there and create the life that you desire! Live your dream, not someone else's! Freedom in your mind, body, spirit, and finances, that's what I pray you'll have! God intended for you to have prosperity in all areas of your life. Your freedom affords you the opportunity to do just that! I don't care what "they" tell you. YOU ARE FREE! Walk in that freedom! Take it, it's yours!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, "I am beautiful. I am happy. I am free, free to be the one person that no one else can be... me." I strongly suggest that you repeat it, and most importantly, BELIEVE IT! No one is better at being you than you! Go ahead, you're FREE!
How wonderful it is to to wake up with tussled hair and not care that I am unable able to achieve the salon perfect curls that my hair has grown accustomed to experiencing at the hands of Felisha. Now, don't misunderstand I'm still meticulous about my everyday appearance. I've simply come to the realization that I am equally beautiful with my natural curls. I can simply wash, add conditioner, perhaps a lil mousse or gel for definition, and keep it moving. I need not worry about what the person next to me thinks! You see, I am free, free to be me.
Now you may be asking, "Did it take you 40 years to come to this realization?!?!" My honest response, "No, it just took me 40 years to be comfortable with this realization." It took me this long to be completely comfortable in my own skin. The confidence that I've exhibited throughout my life has not always run as deep as it appeared, but be forewarned it is indeed genuine at this stage in my life!
This freedom that I keep talking about, it's different, it's liberating, exhilarating! I want everyone to experience it. I want you to feel like your opinions matter, like your voice is heard. I want you to truly feel the wind on your face as you walk with your head held high and know that God has gently kissed you yet once again. I want you to hear your theme song playing in your head as you enter a room; all the while knowing I am exactly who I was created to be, there's no one better at this than I, because truth be told, there is ONLY 1 ME! I am a perfect creation in the eyes of God, and who am I to question Him?!?!
I implore you to enjoy your freedom without apologies or excuses. Go on out there and create the life that you desire! Live your dream, not someone else's! Freedom in your mind, body, spirit, and finances, that's what I pray you'll have! God intended for you to have prosperity in all areas of your life. Your freedom affords you the opportunity to do just that! I don't care what "they" tell you. YOU ARE FREE! Walk in that freedom! Take it, it's yours!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, "I am beautiful. I am happy. I am free, free to be the one person that no one else can be... me." I strongly suggest that you repeat it, and most importantly, BELIEVE IT! No one is better at being you than you! Go ahead, you're FREE!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Will you LIVE your dream, or will you simply keep dreaming while you live?
Time of reflection... Each year before my birthday I take time to reflect on the past year, my strengths, weaknesses, growth, and room for growth. Have I accomplished my goals? What new goals must I set? What's my action plan? ... and so on, and so on. This year is a bit more intense. 40, the big 4-0, entering the 40 plus club. Hmmmm, I've been here for 4 decades; sounds like such a loooong time. Should I feel old? Should you? LOL. Well, the truth is, I don't. I feel great. I feel like life is just beginning. I feel blessed that I'm still standing, strong nonetheless.
This period of reflection has afforded me the opportunity to redirect my energy in the appropriate manner and places; preparation for this next phase of life. For many it may seem that it's just another year, just another day, just another minute along this journey we call life. So why the preparation? You see for me, this is indeed another year, another day, another minute; that I've been gifted with to live my dream.
My question to you is, will you LIVE your dream, or will you simply keep dreaming while you live?
This period of reflection has afforded me the opportunity to redirect my energy in the appropriate manner and places; preparation for this next phase of life. For many it may seem that it's just another year, just another day, just another minute along this journey we call life. So why the preparation? You see for me, this is indeed another year, another day, another minute; that I've been gifted with to live my dream.
My question to you is, will you LIVE your dream, or will you simply keep dreaming while you live?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
No Excuses, No Settling!!
40, wiser, prepared, and no longer willing to settle, that's where I stand at this stage of the game. As I approach 40, in less than 30 days, I realize that settling is no longer an option. You see, for many of us we settle in earlier stages of our lives. We often call it compromising, hmph, I laugh, in reality we've simply convinced ourselves that there was nothing better, no other option. When in fact the truth of the matter is that the options are endless, unlimited. The limits are usually self-imposed. Hmmmm, your wheels are turning. Either you're giving this some consideration or you've just gotten an attitude, immediately upset that I'd even suggest such a thing.
You may have settled for a job that really didn't serve your passion, a career that others thought was best for you, a relationship that was never really good for you, but it sometimes felt good to you... mmmm hmmm I know all about it. When is enough enough? When do we draw the line in the sand, and decide to live the life that we truly want to live? You do realize that life is short? There are no promises of tomorrow. There aren't even promises of later this evening.
On my journey to Fabulous, 40, and Financially Free I have a made up mind. I've decided that I cannot be Fab-U-lous or Free if I'm not true to myself; thus, no more settling. Now this can't simply be confined to theory. I must apply it to my daily life if it's actually going to have an impact on my life. This leg of the journey is all about transition for me. What's it about for you? Is all well in your world, or is there room for improvement, which is contingent upon change? Stop settling!! We're coming down the home stretch to 40! Let's make sure that the next few decades we're given are treated as the blessing that they are!!
No, it's not too late for you to go back to school, write your book, fall in love with the right one, change your career, or build your financial legacy!! Through this Fab, 40, Free year I want you to dance with me to one of my chosen theme songs, Ms. Mary J. Blige's "Just Fine"!! Live your life to the absolute fullest!! No excuses, no settling, singing, "Feels so good when you're doing all the things that you wanna do. Get the best outta life treat yourself to something new! Keep your head up high, in yourself, believe in you, believe in me."- Mary J. Blige-
By the end of this 40th year I want you to act like Mary J. and say, "I won't change my life. My life's just fine!!" Knowing all the while that your life is Fab-U-lous…
You may have settled for a job that really didn't serve your passion, a career that others thought was best for you, a relationship that was never really good for you, but it sometimes felt good to you... mmmm hmmm I know all about it. When is enough enough? When do we draw the line in the sand, and decide to live the life that we truly want to live? You do realize that life is short? There are no promises of tomorrow. There aren't even promises of later this evening.
On my journey to Fabulous, 40, and Financially Free I have a made up mind. I've decided that I cannot be Fab-U-lous or Free if I'm not true to myself; thus, no more settling. Now this can't simply be confined to theory. I must apply it to my daily life if it's actually going to have an impact on my life. This leg of the journey is all about transition for me. What's it about for you? Is all well in your world, or is there room for improvement, which is contingent upon change? Stop settling!! We're coming down the home stretch to 40! Let's make sure that the next few decades we're given are treated as the blessing that they are!!
No, it's not too late for you to go back to school, write your book, fall in love with the right one, change your career, or build your financial legacy!! Through this Fab, 40, Free year I want you to dance with me to one of my chosen theme songs, Ms. Mary J. Blige's "Just Fine"!! Live your life to the absolute fullest!! No excuses, no settling, singing, "Feels so good when you're doing all the things that you wanna do. Get the best outta life treat yourself to something new! Keep your head up high, in yourself, believe in you, believe in me."- Mary J. Blige-
By the end of this 40th year I want you to act like Mary J. and say, "I won't change my life. My life's just fine!!" Knowing all the while that your life is Fab-U-lous…
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
My Chosen Path to Financial Freedom... Yours?
As I near 40 I'm even more intent upon reaching my goal of FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Hear me when I say, there is no other option! For those of you who know me you know that when I put my mind to something there's no stopping me. I like to say that FAITH + DETERMINATION = UNSTOPPABLE! Now, make no mistakes about it your faith must be in the right one. My faith is in GOD, because He has shown me time and time again that indeed, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
Knowing that all things are possible through Him I genuinely believe that He guides me daily and has placed each and every resource that I need in my hand so that I can attain FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Having said that, I say be mindful that He is no respecter of persons. So, keep your eyes, ears, mind, heart, and spirit open so that you can hear and accept your GOD given path to FINANCIAL FREEDOM. My path has come in the form of Ardyss International, a phenomenal company that has provided me an opportunity to earn far more money than my Master's degree in Social Work offers me, all while changing more lives than I could have fathomed in my career.
As a single mother of two of the world's greatest daughters it is my goal to take full advantage of this spectacular investment opportunity and provide my girls with the life that we all dream of; the life they are so deserving of. My path may or may not be the one that is best for you. However, if you have yet to discover your path to FINANCIAL FREEDOM I invite you to explore mine, and join me if you believe it's right for you. For more information visit my website http://rjreshapes.reshapingwealth.com and be sure to submit your contact information, or email me at Fab40Free@gmail.com.
Whatever the case may be there is a designated path for you. You simply have to discover that path and start to follow it. It is possible for you and I to attain FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Yea, yea, I know what the naysayers say, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that you believe that it's possible for you. Become UNSTOPPABLE and ACT ACCORDINGLY!
Knowing that all things are possible through Him I genuinely believe that He guides me daily and has placed each and every resource that I need in my hand so that I can attain FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Having said that, I say be mindful that He is no respecter of persons. So, keep your eyes, ears, mind, heart, and spirit open so that you can hear and accept your GOD given path to FINANCIAL FREEDOM. My path has come in the form of Ardyss International, a phenomenal company that has provided me an opportunity to earn far more money than my Master's degree in Social Work offers me, all while changing more lives than I could have fathomed in my career.
As a single mother of two of the world's greatest daughters it is my goal to take full advantage of this spectacular investment opportunity and provide my girls with the life that we all dream of; the life they are so deserving of. My path may or may not be the one that is best for you. However, if you have yet to discover your path to FINANCIAL FREEDOM I invite you to explore mine, and join me if you believe it's right for you. For more information visit my website http://rjreshapes.reshapingwealth.com and be sure to submit your contact information, or email me at Fab40Free@gmail.com.
Whatever the case may be there is a designated path for you. You simply have to discover that path and start to follow it. It is possible for you and I to attain FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Yea, yea, I know what the naysayers say, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that you believe that it's possible for you. Become UNSTOPPABLE and ACT ACCORDINGLY!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Whose Life is it Anyway?!?!
Yes, I asked you, "Whose life is it anyway?!?!" It seems like a fairly simple question, doesn't it? Yet, for many, it is indeed challenging to respond. You see, many of us have been at that place where we are living for others; you know, your mom, dad, husband, and the most common, your children. Hmmm, now you're thinking.
The truth of the matter is that you will never be truly happy until you are living YOUR life for YOU. Oh, I know, I know. That's oftentimes easier said than done. "Why is that?!", you ask. For many of us putting others first has been an important element of parenting, quite often learned from our own parents, or in my case, from my mother. :) For others, putting others first is a means of acceptance, never wanting to rock the boat for fear of falling out, or even worse, being pushed out. Then there are those who may simply feel good when putting others first. I think we all experience this feeling a bit. Lastly, there are those who feel undeserving of being first. So, they put everyone before themselves because they feel unworthy and inferior. Now, please recognize that it may even be a combination of any of the aforementioned reasons. Whatever the reason may be, there comes a point when living your life for you becomes imperative.
What happens when there's no one left for you to put first? The children are grown. Your parents accept that you must live for you, because that's what they're doing now, or they've passed away. Your spouse wants you to live for you or you have no spouse/ significant other. At this stage of our lives many of us are here already, or fast approaching this place. What now? I'll tell you what! Now you have to figure out how to live YOUR life for YOU! Wow! Overwhelming isn't it? That's okay. It can definitely be done.
I suggest you start at the easiest point. Ask yourself, "What makes me happy? What do I like to do?" In so doing, the goal is to find your passion. What are you passionate about?!?! What makes you smile just by thinking about it? No, I'm not talking about your "honey"! LOL. You can't make a living and/or serve your purpose that way! Ok, wait, maybe you can, but that's a different story, for a very different day, and an extremely different blog!! Hey!! Let's get back on task, lol, anywhoo. As I was just about to say before we digressed, your passion is your purpose. It's the thing that will allow you to serve others and make their lives better, while living your absolute best life.
Go figure, sounds too good to be true, huh? Well, it's not! When you find that thing that you're passionate about you'd do it for free, unlike your job that you hate. However, you need not do it for free, because you'll be soooo good at it that someone is bound to pay you to do it! More importantly, you'll enrich YOUR life, while enriching the lives of others, and putting YOU first. Now what's better than that?!? Passion found, purpose, found, life enjoyed! Isn't that what this journey is all about reaching that Fabulous, 40, and Financially Free place? Well, I hope this takes you one step closer.
Live YOUR life!!!!
The truth of the matter is that you will never be truly happy until you are living YOUR life for YOU. Oh, I know, I know. That's oftentimes easier said than done. "Why is that?!", you ask. For many of us putting others first has been an important element of parenting, quite often learned from our own parents, or in my case, from my mother. :) For others, putting others first is a means of acceptance, never wanting to rock the boat for fear of falling out, or even worse, being pushed out. Then there are those who may simply feel good when putting others first. I think we all experience this feeling a bit. Lastly, there are those who feel undeserving of being first. So, they put everyone before themselves because they feel unworthy and inferior. Now, please recognize that it may even be a combination of any of the aforementioned reasons. Whatever the reason may be, there comes a point when living your life for you becomes imperative.
What happens when there's no one left for you to put first? The children are grown. Your parents accept that you must live for you, because that's what they're doing now, or they've passed away. Your spouse wants you to live for you or you have no spouse/ significant other. At this stage of our lives many of us are here already, or fast approaching this place. What now? I'll tell you what! Now you have to figure out how to live YOUR life for YOU! Wow! Overwhelming isn't it? That's okay. It can definitely be done.
I suggest you start at the easiest point. Ask yourself, "What makes me happy? What do I like to do?" In so doing, the goal is to find your passion. What are you passionate about?!?! What makes you smile just by thinking about it? No, I'm not talking about your "honey"! LOL. You can't make a living and/or serve your purpose that way! Ok, wait, maybe you can, but that's a different story, for a very different day, and an extremely different blog!! Hey!! Let's get back on task, lol, anywhoo. As I was just about to say before we digressed, your passion is your purpose. It's the thing that will allow you to serve others and make their lives better, while living your absolute best life.
Go figure, sounds too good to be true, huh? Well, it's not! When you find that thing that you're passionate about you'd do it for free, unlike your job that you hate. However, you need not do it for free, because you'll be soooo good at it that someone is bound to pay you to do it! More importantly, you'll enrich YOUR life, while enriching the lives of others, and putting YOU first. Now what's better than that?!? Passion found, purpose, found, life enjoyed! Isn't that what this journey is all about reaching that Fabulous, 40, and Financially Free place? Well, I hope this takes you one step closer.
Live YOUR life!!!!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Keep It Moving!!
Where ya at? Are you moving forward, or are you still looking back? It's time to stop looking back! Now is the time to put one foot in front of the other and keep stepping. That's my game plan for 40, keep it moving! You see, we have to have a made up mind and a sense of direction. It's awful hard to to navigate what's ahead of you if you're constantly staring in the rear view mirror.
Have you decided what you'll accomplish in this Fab, 40, Free year? Did I hear someone say, "Well, no, not yet."? Well hurry up and decide! Time flies when you're having fun! Time waits for no man! You've heard all of the cliches. So make some decisions! Seek guidance from God, listen closely, and when you have instructions follow them. Be mindful that they may not be as clear cut as you want them to be. God may just provide confirmation in a way that you hadn't anticipated. So be observant! Then, Goooooo!
Perhaps you're wondering what types of decisions I'm referring to. Are you going to lose weight this year? Be healthier? Workout? Strengthen your relationship with God? Indulge in a bit of "me" time? Establish a financial legacy? Okay, wait those are my plans for this year! ;-) You get the idea. Having told you all about my plans for this year, I ask again, what are you going to accomplish in this Fab, 40, Free year? Hmmm... think about it. More importantly, act on it.
Have you decided what you'll accomplish in this Fab, 40, Free year? Did I hear someone say, "Well, no, not yet."? Well hurry up and decide! Time flies when you're having fun! Time waits for no man! You've heard all of the cliches. So make some decisions! Seek guidance from God, listen closely, and when you have instructions follow them. Be mindful that they may not be as clear cut as you want them to be. God may just provide confirmation in a way that you hadn't anticipated. So be observant! Then, Goooooo!
Perhaps you're wondering what types of decisions I'm referring to. Are you going to lose weight this year? Be healthier? Workout? Strengthen your relationship with God? Indulge in a bit of "me" time? Establish a financial legacy? Okay, wait those are my plans for this year! ;-) You get the idea. Having told you all about my plans for this year, I ask again, what are you going to accomplish in this Fab, 40, Free year? Hmmm... think about it. More importantly, act on it.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
39 and 3/4+, Livin' My Life Like It's GOLDEN!!!! Are You?!?
"I'm taking my freedom, Pulling it off the shelf... I'm livin' my life like it's golden,
livin' my life like it's golden, livin' my life like it's GOLDEN" ~Jill Scott~
Jill says it best! So, I want to know if you are livin' your life like it's GOLDEN baby?!? I ask this question because I realize that at this stage in my life there's no other way to live! It is now all or nothing! My high school year book quote was, "Live life to the fullest, for lost time is never regained." ~RJ~ At 17 that statement did not seem to hold the significance that it does at 39 and 3/4+. My Fab, 40, & FREE mantra speaks to the fact that I now appreciate life in a way that had not yet known to appreciate it at 17.
So now, at 39 and 3/4+, as I pull my FREEDOM off the shelf, I can truly embrace each GOD given day as a gift to be opened with excitement and joyous anticipation, because indeed it is GOLDEN! I sooo want each and everyone of you reading this article to embrace the opportunity to live your life like it's GOLDEN!
livin' my life like it's golden, livin' my life like it's GOLDEN" ~Jill Scott~
Jill says it best! So, I want to know if you are livin' your life like it's GOLDEN baby?!? I ask this question because I realize that at this stage in my life there's no other way to live! It is now all or nothing! My high school year book quote was, "Live life to the fullest, for lost time is never regained." ~RJ~ At 17 that statement did not seem to hold the significance that it does at 39 and 3/4+. My Fab, 40, & FREE mantra speaks to the fact that I now appreciate life in a way that had not yet known to appreciate it at 17.
So now, at 39 and 3/4+, as I pull my FREEDOM off the shelf, I can truly embrace each GOD given day as a gift to be opened with excitement and joyous anticipation, because indeed it is GOLDEN! I sooo want each and everyone of you reading this article to embrace the opportunity to live your life like it's GOLDEN!
I'm holding on to my freedom,
Can't take it from me,
I was born into it,
It comes naturally,
I'm strumming my own freedom,
Playing the God in me,
Representing His glory,
Hope he's proud of me... Livin' my life like it's golden, livin' my life like it's golden... ~Jill Scott~
If you're ready to live your life like it's GOLDEN, join me and let's live this thing out like it's GOLDEN!! If you're in, let me hear you!!
Jill, sing it!!!! ;-)
Can't take it from me,
I was born into it,
It comes naturally,
I'm strumming my own freedom,
Playing the God in me,
Representing His glory,
Hope he's proud of me... Livin' my life like it's golden, livin' my life like it's golden... ~Jill Scott~
If you're ready to live your life like it's GOLDEN, join me and let's live this thing out like it's GOLDEN!! If you're in, let me hear you!!
Jill, sing it!!!! ;-)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Financial Freedom at 40!! Now that's what I'm talking about!! I've made a conscious decision to assure that I am indeed FINANCIALLY FREE prior to the end of my 40th year of life. So, we don't have much time! Only 418 days until I turn 41!! LOL, sounds like a long time, but boy will it fly by quickly!
Well, lucky for me, I have a plan, the 40+ Plan that is! Now many of you may have absolutely no idea, what the 40+ Plan is, no worries. I'll let you in on one of the best kept secrets toward building GENERATIONAL WEALTH. Shhhh... I'm only inviting a very select group of people. Those are the people who are motivated, driven, focused, and committed to changing lives, and ultimately being blessed to be a blessing. If the aforementioned describes you I strongly suggest that you do 2 things, RIGHT NOW! Number 1 click on this link, http://RJreshapes.reshapingwealth.com/40club.php, Number 2 enter your contact information, Number 3 watch the video, and last, but definitely not least, be prepared to start as soon as I call you!! ;-)
How many of you will be FINANCIALLY FREE at the end of this year with me?!? Hmmmm... I wonder. I'll see YOU on the other side of money!!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Discovering YOUR inner sense of FABULOUS!!!!
FABULOUS! That's what we're going to talk about today, being fabulous. However, it's not just about that outer fabulosity. No, no, no, no, no! Today, I'd like to focus solely on your inner sense of fabulous. Yes, I said inner sense of fabulous and fabulosity! Have you found your inner fabulous? Do you actually know what that is? No need to fret! I'll offer an explanation. :)
You see, being fabulous from the inside out simply means that you have found passion, purpose, and peace. Your inner sense of fabulous merely refers to the state of your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Without attaining your inner sense of fabulous one certainly cannot have peace, find their purpose, or live in their passion. So, once again, I ask have you found your inner sense of fabulous?!?
For most of us it takes many, many years to discover our own inner fabulous; leaving us in a state of unrest or turmoil. For those of you who may be reading this and wondering what one might do to locate his/ her inner fabulosity I'd like to provide a few steps that may be quite useful in this process.
1. Establish a relationship with God! A spiritual connection is key!
2. Function in a spirit of gratitude and praise.
3. Prayerfully request guidance, direction, and wisdom.
4. Take time out to get to know you; just you and you alone. Learn to enjoy your own company.
5. Ask yourself, "What am I passionate about?" After all, your passion will lead you to your purpose.
6. Ask yourself, "What do I like/ dislike about myself?"
7. Ask yourself, "What can I do to better myself?"
8. Set goals for change based upon your response to step 4.
9. Choose 1 of your goals from step 5 and implement the change. Try the least challenging 1st. You'll build confidence before tackling more difficult goals!
10. Listen for God's voice, trust His vision & you WILL find your passion, walk in your purpose, and have lasting peace. ;-)
Lastly, I add be certain that you monitor your thoughts and your words, because you have the ability to build a phenomenally strong inner sense of fabulous or the ability to crush that same inner sense of fabulous like a bug! Soooo, now that you know what is what are you going to do about it?!?
Let's go!!!! FABULOUS, 40, & FINANCIALLY FREE here we come!!!! ;-)
You see, being fabulous from the inside out simply means that you have found passion, purpose, and peace. Your inner sense of fabulous merely refers to the state of your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Without attaining your inner sense of fabulous one certainly cannot have peace, find their purpose, or live in their passion. So, once again, I ask have you found your inner sense of fabulous?!?
For most of us it takes many, many years to discover our own inner fabulous; leaving us in a state of unrest or turmoil. For those of you who may be reading this and wondering what one might do to locate his/ her inner fabulosity I'd like to provide a few steps that may be quite useful in this process.
Discovering YOUR inner sense of FABULOUS!!!!
1. Establish a relationship with God! A spiritual connection is key!
2. Function in a spirit of gratitude and praise.
3. Prayerfully request guidance, direction, and wisdom.
4. Take time out to get to know you; just you and you alone. Learn to enjoy your own company.
5. Ask yourself, "What am I passionate about?" After all, your passion will lead you to your purpose.
6. Ask yourself, "What do I like/ dislike about myself?"
7. Ask yourself, "What can I do to better myself?"
8. Set goals for change based upon your response to step 4.
9. Choose 1 of your goals from step 5 and implement the change. Try the least challenging 1st. You'll build confidence before tackling more difficult goals!
10. Listen for God's voice, trust His vision & you WILL find your passion, walk in your purpose, and have lasting peace. ;-)
Lastly, I add be certain that you monitor your thoughts and your words, because you have the ability to build a phenomenally strong inner sense of fabulous or the ability to crush that same inner sense of fabulous like a bug! Soooo, now that you know what is what are you going to do about it?!?
Let's go!!!! FABULOUS, 40, & FINANCIALLY FREE here we come!!!! ;-)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Fabulous In Every Area of Life... Ready?
Fab, 40, & Free, the implications are many! Travel this road to and through 40 with me! Together, we will attain Fabulosity in all areas of life; mind, body, spirit, and of course finances. In so doing I'll commit to focusing on each of the aforementioned areas, taking a holistic healthy living approach. All the while you may come along as an innocent bystander, or better yet, join me as an accountability partner reaching the state of Fabulous right along with me! Soooo, buckle up, sit up straight, and hold on tight because we're pulling off at mach speed! It may be a little bumpy! Readdddy?!?
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