Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Freedom... in every since of the word.

Freedom... such positive implications come with this one simple word. Maturity brings about a renewed sense of freedom. My relationship with God and my experiences thus far have lead me to a place where I'm truly free to be me. How cliche you say? Perhaps so, yet unquestionably true. I'm more than ok with my brown skin, my full lips, full hips, and my naturally kinky curly hair. I am beautiful. I am happy. I am free, free to be the one person that no one else can be... me.

How wonderful it is to to wake up with tussled hair and not care that I am unable able to achieve the salon perfect curls that my hair has grown accustomed to experiencing at the hands of Felisha. Now, don't misunderstand I'm still meticulous about my everyday appearance. I've simply come to the realization that I am equally beautiful with my natural curls. I can simply wash, add conditioner, perhaps a lil mousse or gel for definition, and keep it moving. I need not worry about what the person next to me thinks! You see, I am free, free to be me.

Now you may be asking, "Did it take you 40 years to come to this realization?!?!" My honest response, "No, it just took me 40 years to be comfortable with this realization." It took me this long to be completely comfortable in my own skin. The confidence that I've exhibited throughout my life has not always run as deep as it appeared, but be forewarned it is indeed genuine at this stage in my life!

This freedom that I keep talking about, it's different, it's liberating, exhilarating! I want everyone to experience it. I want you to feel like your opinions matter, like your voice is heard. I want you to truly feel the wind on your face as you walk with your head held high and know that God has gently kissed you yet once again. I want you to hear your theme song playing in your head as you enter a room; all the while knowing I am exactly who I was created to be, there's no one better at this than I, because truth be told, there is ONLY 1 ME! I am a perfect creation in the eyes of God, and who am I to question Him?!?!

I implore you to enjoy your freedom without apologies or excuses. Go on out there and create the life that you desire! Live your dream, not someone else's! Freedom in your mind, body, spirit, and finances, that's what I pray you'll have! God intended for you to have prosperity in all areas of your life. Your freedom affords you the opportunity to do just that! I don't care what "they" tell you. YOU ARE FREE! Walk in that freedom! Take it, it's yours!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, "I am beautiful. I am happy. I am free, free to be the one person that no one else can be... me." I strongly suggest that you repeat it, and most importantly, BELIEVE IT! No one is better at being you than you! Go ahead, you're FREE!